Falling In Love

I guess the title kind of says a lot about this post. I am falling in love. It’s so incredible and magical but it’s also scary as hell. Falling in love isn’t always rainbows and unicorns. It’s standing on the edge of a cliff not knowing if you’re going to be jumping alone. It’s standing…

Don’t Forget The Good Stuff.

Have you looked up recently? At the sky? The clouds? The stars? The airplanes? The trees? Looking up is one of my favorite things to do. It reminds me that I’m free. The good things in life are free. The things that really count are free. Like kindness. Love. Laughter. Smiling. Being yourself. And those…

The Art of HEALING. 

I’ve been wanting to write about this for a while now but I was never really sure how to say it. Sometimes words don’t come as easily as others. I think it’s because this topic is so important to me I just wanted to be able to give it justice with my words.  Healing. We…

The ART of Letting Go.

I think I’ve written about letting go in a previous post but I feel like there’s always something more to talk about and learn, especially when it comes to letting go. I’ve recently been learning more about it and dealing with it more than usual and I felt this urge to wrote about how I’m…

To The One I Thought Loved Me.

I thought you loved me. I loved you. It was only going to grow but you stopped it in it’s tracks. You didn’t love me at all. You let me down over and over again. Each time with a different excuse. I drove 2 hours to come see you. You told me that you loved…

Do I Love Them or The Idea of Them?

This is a subject that I’ve been learning a lot about as of late. When you’re young, even though you may not feel like it, you’re naive and sometimes that can be a good thing. But it can also hurt you in ways you don’t necessarily think. In this day and age, you can meet…

What Happened To Being Honest?

For me, being honest is something I find to be so important in any relationship. Including friendships. To me, in order to stay sane, you have to stay honest. Maybe that’s just me. Being honest can be uncomfortable a lot of times. But the more you do it, the easier it is to be. I…

When The Good Guy Isn’t The Right Guy.

I know how this title might sound. Of course the good guy is the right guy. He’s GOOD. But that’s not always the case. At least in my case it isn’t. I had the good guy. The guy who treated me with respect and didn’t want to hurt me. He made me smile when I…

It’s Okay To Move On. 

Moving on. Those two words can be pretty scary, especially when you’re talking about a certain person. But, sometimes you have to let yourself do just that: move on. Let me be the first to say that moving on is not easy. I know that first hand. It’s hard and it’s heartbreaking and it’s life…

My Fathers’s Dead Body. 

I know that title is harsh. But it’s real.  I haven’t talked about this much to anyone. But it replays in my mind sometimes and I can’t get it to go away a lot of those times. I struggle with it in silence because I know that people don’t want to hear about me standing…

A New January. 

It’s January, again. It’s a new year. Some people will mock the others who make New Year resolutions. But don’t let them scare you into thinking you shouldn’t. There’s a certain beauty in making resolutions. It means you want to be better. Do better. Feel better.  This year, I’m not going to promise myself that…

Traveling & Being Single 

If you’re like me, you love to travel and absolutely adore seeing new places and exploring. I can’t get enough of it. If I could travel for a living I would do it in a heart beat. Many people would.  I recently went on vacation – not a big one – with my family this…