Do I Love Them or The Idea of Them?

This is a subject that I’ve been learning a lot about as of late. When you’re young, even though you may not feel like it, you’re naive and sometimes that can be a good thing. But it can also hurt you in ways you don’t necessarily think. In this day and age, you can meet…

When The Good Guy Isn’t The Right Guy.

I know how this title might sound. Of course the good guy is the right guy. He’s GOOD. But that’s not always the case. At least in my case it isn’t. I had the good guy. The guy who treated me with respect and didn’t want to hurt me. He made me smile when I…

Old Myspace Pictures 

I did a whole video looking at some old and embarrassing MySpace pictures. You get to see my pretty “emo” phase. It’s cringe-worthy for sure.  Go take a look at it here!  Also go follow my Twitter & Instagram for more content! Xo. 🙂 

Staying Positive. 

For some people, like me, staying positive can be a little bit more of a struggle than the average person. Some days are easier than others and you just have to take it day by day.  I made a video giving a few tips on how I like to stay positive. Go watch it HERE! In…

I’m Going To NYC. 

I’m going to New York. New York City, to be exact, on October 8-12. And to some of you it may seem pretty trivial and not so important that I need to write a whole post about it. But IT IS! I have been dreaming of going to NYC since I was eight years old. Literally….